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Our Legal Services

Let us Plan Your Whole Life

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Crystal Guiga Estate Planning Attorney New York


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GuigaLaw Difference
Image by Henry & Co.


Explaining to you how we’re different requires an explanation of what the “traditional” experience with a lawyer is like, something you may have already unfortunately experienced. 

During the traditional experience, lawyers tend to make things seem very complicated and confusing.  Sure, your lawyer is probably smart and seems to know what they are doing, so you just nod, answer questions, and act as if you understand everything.  Your lawyer prepares your documents for you, you sign where they tell you, and while you feel relieved to have taken an important step for your family, you really don't have a full understanding of what exactly your estate plan documents do and what you need to do to ensure they work as planned. 


At some point you may recall that your lawyer said something about moving your bank accounts into your trust or that when you refinance your home or buy a new one that you need to keep the title in the name of your trust.  To get clarity or additional advice you call your lawyer, wait for a call back, and eventually get a bill in the mail for 15 minutes of your lawyer's time answering just a couple questions.


Your children get older, making your guardianship choices outdated, and maybe you even hear about a change in tax law that you think could impact you, but now you don’t want to call your lawyer because you know it will just result in a bill in the mail.


What this creates is the unfortunate situation where upon your incapacitation or death your family finds your estate plan only to learn that your plan is so outdated that it has nothing to do with your life, your assets and the law.  

The bottomline is that the estate planning industry was not designed to serve growing families who experience lots of change on their way to success. It was designed to serve 70 and 80-year olds who were preparing for death.


Unlike other firms, Guiga Law was built with the needs of growing families in mind. We’ve developed unique systems to give you the same access to a Personal Family Lawyer® as was previously only available to the super-wealthy, so you can have the guidance you need to build and maintain a life of prosperity and wealth. And, to keep your family out of court and out of conflict, which is the greatest risk to the people you love and all you have created, even if you’ve already worked with a traditional lawyer or created documents online.


We understand you are BUSY, you are growing, you are planning for a life of prosperity and you value ease, convenience and efficiency. You are raising children, and/or caring for elderly parents, while also working hard to build your own nest egg for a lifetime of support. You just want to feel confident that you’ve made the right choices, and handled everything so that you aren’t leaving behind a mess, when something happens. That is our focus as well.


We encourage communication with our clients. In fact, we’ve thrown out the time clocks so you never have to be afraid to call with a quick question. Everything we do is billed on a flat-fee basis, agreed to in advance, so there are never any surprises. 


We also ensure the most important details of your planning are followed through on and your plan continues to work throughout your lifetime. We check-in every three years to see if anything in your life has changed so that we are sure your plan still works for you and your family.  We even created a unique membership program to keep your plan up to date annually. 


Lastly, we believe your financial wealth is only a small part of your overall “Family Wealth” which is made up of your far more valuable – and most often lost upon incapacity or death – intellectual, spiritual and human assets. These assets are what make you who you are, and sum up what’s most important to you. How much do you know about your grandparents’ values? Their most prized personal possessions? How they felt about you? What they had learned during their lifetime?  The sad truth is that most of this amazing information is lost from generation to generation.


Unfortunately, most estate plans and estate planning lawyers only focus on the transfer of your financial wealth to the next generation, but not Guiga Law.  The capture and passage of these most valuable assets are built into every estate plan created at Guiga Law. 

At Guiga Law we will help you pass on your money, but also the truly valuable assets your loved one's care about the most like your values, your insights, your stories and your experiences. To learn more, schedule a Whole Life Planning Session, and let us:

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